c/o 2716 Bernard Rd. Prince George BC Canada V2N 5G1

The Prince George Cruisin Classics is a group of fun loving car enthusiasts. Our main event is the yearly Father's Day Show n Shine. Membership currently stands at over 80 and annual dues are $25, with meetings every other Wednesday at Aimhi, 950 Kerry Street, at 7:30. Come out and meet people with similar interests and take in all the fun. You don't have to own a vehicle - just have an interest in them. After the meetings we attend information sessions, garage tours, check on each others projects, or just go for coffee or ice cream.
Check our calendar for meeting dates.
Our Mission

"To enhance the enjoyment of cruising with family and friends.
To restore and maintain classic cars, trucks and street rods
in a way that brings people together, and contributes to the community."
Why should you join this club…?
If you are an auto enthusiast then we want to see what you’re driving, and more than just once or twice a year. The Cruisin’ Classics have many impromptu and organized drives throughout the summer including a great multi day tour someplace new as we participate and support an out of town show. Our events director does a great job each year with this.
Get behind the scenes at our annual Show n Shine. Our June Father’s Day show takes months to prepare and we are always looking for new ideas, input, sponsors and of course a little help. You’ll be given the opportunity to see how Prince George’s largest outdoor event is put together and a prime parking spot for your ride as well. You and your ride will receive a lot of attention, you can help with award selection, or just mingle and enjoy the atmosphere.
Be a part of giving back to your community. There are few feelings better than making people smile and the Cruisin’ Classics take pride in our community involvement. Membership dues contribute to the PG Hospice society, Heart & Stroke foundation, Multiple Sclerosis society, High school bursaries and of course in 2020 we raised over $5,000.00 for the Salvation Army food bank with our parade. We’ve “delivered” the PG cougars to their opening night home game tailgate party and even chauffeured a grad class to their ceremony. Then there is our seniors’ tour. Each year the club gathers many participants and we take our show to the seniors. We drive, in a parade format, and visit each of 6 or 7 seniors’ homes in Prince George. Except for 2020, we generally stop long enough to allow the residents to get close and have a chat with the car owners. They light up when we arrive and this tour is the hi-lite of the year for many of our members,
Our meetings. Once we get the green light from Covid, we will get back to our regularly scheduled meetings. 30 to 45 minutes of stimulating conversation, local car news, informal comradery, and plenty of valuable information sharing. Our members come from a variety of backgrounds but we all have hi-test in our veins and you might be surprised who is there. Our December meeting is a Christmas social with a fun game or two….always with prizes.
Garage and shop tours. During the off season we have a schedule of shop and garage tours. From quaint to gigantic, private and a few commercial stops, you’ll be treated to an eyeful each time you set foot in someone else’s car cave. These tours are also a great way to meet and mingle with members from other clubs in town as we regularly are invited to locations outside of our own membership.
Out of town car shows. Have you ever considered showing your car in Quesnel, 100 Mile, Williams Lake or even the Okanagan? Well we often travel as a group and it is certainly a great way to add enjoyment to the shows. Group rates at hotels, after hours socialization, parking at the show with people you know and of course spouses always come along for the road trip.
Great discounts on tools and parts. Over the years we have established great professional relationships with select auto parts and tool distributors. Your membership could easily pay for itself with your first or second purchase.
Our club will help you fly the colors. You may have already seen our bright red jackets, shirts and hats and if you jump on that bandwagon, we will subsidize the cost of your schwag, we might even find a few freebies to throw in such as a lapel pin or club window decal so you can ride with pride.
Your $25.00 will connect you with some of the most knowledgeable and interesting people, all sharing a common interest. If you have any questions, require more information, or are interested in joining the Cruisin' Classics, please contact the club at